SoaML ( Service-Oriented Architecture Modeling Language) is an Object Management Group ( OMG) standard that is intended to fill this gap and to help realize the potential of SOA. SoaML(面向服务体系架构建模语言)是一种对象管理组(OMG),它用于消除这个隔阂,并帮助实现SOA的潜力。
It is an Object Management Group ( OMG) standard that describes a UML profile and metamodel for the specification and design of services within the SOA. 对象管理组(OMG)标准描述了SOA之中服务规格和设计的UML概要文件和元模型。
It supports creating, describing, and managing assets based on the Reusable Asset Specification ( RAS), an industry standard from the Object Management Group ( OMG). 支持创建、描述和管理基于可重用资产规范(ReusableAssetSpecification,RAS)的资产,RAS是一个源自ObjectManagementGroup(OMG)的行业标准。
BPMN ( Business Process Modeling Notation) is a standard from the Object Management Group that specifies a notation for describing business processes. BPMN(业务流程建模符号)是ObjectManagementGroup提出的一种标准,指定了一种描述业务流程的符号。
XMI is sponsored by the vendor-neutral Object Management Group ( OMG) and has three main standards XMI是由与供应商无关的对象管理组织(ObjectManagementGroup,OMG)赞助的,它有三个主要标准
Since its inception, the Object Management Group ( OMG) has provided vendor-and language-independent interoperability standards to the enterprise. 从一开始,ObjectManagementGroup(对象管理组,OMG)就为企业提供了独立于供应商和语言的互操作性标准。
According to the Object Management Group, UML2.0 has thirteen different types of diagrams. 根据对象管理组织,UML2.0有十三种不同类型的图。
The Object Management Group ( OMG) is performing significant work to improve the UML interchange between modeling tools. 对象管理组(OMG)正在执行改善建模工具之间的UML交换的重要工作。
In an interview with SearchSOA, Richard Soley, CEO of the Object Management Group ( OMG), explains the adoption patterns of cloud computing and SOA as an effect of hype cycles. 在近期的一次采访中,OMG总裁RichardSoley解释了云计算和SOA等技术在成熟度曲线(hypecycle)影响下的采用模式。
It then introduces the basic concepts, characters and development process of model-driven architecture of object management group ( OMG). 然后简单介绍了对象管理组织的模型驱动体系结构的基本内容、特点和软件开发步骤。
Object Management Group brought forward MDA methodology in 2001.3 and regard it as developing goal in the future. OMG在2001年3月提出MDA方法学,并将其作为未来的战略发展方向。
OMG ( Object Management Group) extended the standard CORBA and proposed real-time CORBA specification which was for the purpose of providing real-time development platform for the distributed systems. OMG(objectmanagementgroup)组织对标准CORBA进行了一定的扩展,提出了实时CORBA规范,旨在为分布式应用提供实时的开发平台。
In 2002, MDA ( Model Driven Architecture) was brought forward by OMG ( Object Management Group). 2002年,OMG(国际对象管理组织)提出了MDA(模型驱动构架)。
With its appearence, CORBA, which is a standard about distributed object management system, is suggested by Object Management Group ( OMG) and has become a de facto industry standard. CORBA是对象管理组(OMG)应这个方法的出现而提出的一个关于分布对象管理系统体系结构的标准,并已成为一个事实上的工业标准。
Model-Driven Architecture is a framework of software development which is defined by Object Management Group. 模型驱动架构(Model-drivenarchitecture,MDA)是对象管理组织(objectmanagementgroup,OMG)定义的一个软件开发框架。
CORBA is an object-oriented distributed calculation platform raised by the Object Management Group ( OMG). CORBA是OMG提出的一种面向对象的分布式计算平台。
CORBA is an object-oriented distributed compute architecture raised by OMG ( Object Management Group), it can be used in telecom integrated network management field more positively because of its favorable distributed performance. CORBA是OMG(对象管理组织)提出的一种面向对象的分布式计算体系结构,因为具有良好的分布式处理性能在电信综合网管领域可以得到更积极的应用。
CORBA is the specification proposed by International Object Management Group for designing the distributed object systems. CORBA是由国际OMG组织提出来的分布式对象设计规范。
CORBA is one of the most important specifications of the OMG ( Object Management Group). CORBA是由OMG推出的一个重要规范。
MDA ( model driven architecture) which is put forward by OMG ( Object Management Group) upgrades software development from code level to model level, and emphasizes the core for model in the process of developing software. OMG(对象管理组织)提出的MDA(模型驱动架构)将软件开发过程从代码层面提升到模型层面,强调了模型在开发过程中的核心作用。
MDA ( Model Drive Architecture) is a new approach to system integration brought forward by OMG ( Object Management Group) which kernels UML, MOF, CWM and defines a framework for model management in software development. MDA(ModelDriveArchitecture)是OMG(objectmanagementgroup)提出的解决系统集成问题的新途径,它以UML、MOF、CWM为核心,定义软件开发过程中的模型组织管理框架。
The technology of CORBA ( Common Object Request Broker Architecture) made by OMG ( Object management Group) is the most mature one, which becomes the mainstream standard of developing distributed object-oriented application in network environment. 其中技术最成熟的是对象管理组织OMG制定的CORBA(CommonObjectRequestBrokerArchitecture,公共对象请求代理体系结构)技术,它已成为网络环境下开发面向分布对象应用的主流标准。
Object Management Group ( OMG) released a brand-new software development framework& Model Driven Architecture ( MDA). 对象管理组织(OMG)提出了一种全新的软件开发模式&模型驱动架构(MDA)。
In order to solve these problems, Object Management Group ( OMG) raised Model Driven Architecture ( MDA) and Model Driven Software Development ( MDSD), model transformation is one of the core technologies in MDSD. 为了解决这些的问题,对象管理组织(OMG)提出了模型驱动架构(MDA)和模型驱动的软件开发方法(MDSD),模型驱动的软件开发方法的核心技术之一就是模型转换。
The Model Driven Architecture is a software development framework which was defined by the Object Management Group, in order to achieve reusability, portability, and enhancing production efficiency. 模型驱动架构MDA是由国际对象管理集团OMG定义的一个软件开发框架,以实现可重用性、可移植性和生产效率的提高。
Model Driven Architecture ( MDA), proposed by Object Management Group ( OMG), is a new kind of software architecture, which focuses on models, taking model transformations as the key technology. 模型驱动体系架构(MDA)是由对象管理组织(OMG)提出的一种新的软件体系架构,它以模型为核心,模型转换为关键技术,通过模型间的转换来驱动整个软件开发。
Model Driven Architecture ( MDA), proposed by Object Management Group, is a new kind of software architecture. 模型驱动架构(MDA)是由对象管理组织提出的一种新的软件体系架构,近几年来发展很快。